Monday, March 12, 2012

Writers block broken

Hello everyone.  I know it has been awhile.  I have had writer's block for the past few months. It may have been from my brother in law's death kind of shook me up.  The past few months it seems like I have been in a haze.  But I am thankful to say that the haze is gone and I have found the direction that God has wanted me to go I have found and am thankful for all of the prayers.  We really need them and it is amazing to see what God is doing.  We are finishing the orphanage and the school.  The vision God gave me is finally starting to show itself along with the work.  Sometimes I feel that I don't really know why I am here but God always makes away for me to know him better all the time. The church still is a work in progress but I know it is God's work and he will make a way when there is no way.  I would encourage any of you who are reading this blog to come to Haiti if you get a chance because it will change your life.  We appreciate all of the support and prayers.  We have not been able to do anything on our house.  But we know the support will come for our house and God will provide for us. Resia (Raymond's wife) is doing well with her new baby boy Reynalto Raymond Erilien, she and her family really appreciate all the help that has come in from the U.S. for her and her baby.  Please email  for more information or encourage me to write another blog.  That would really help me to know that there are many people out there praying for us here in Haiti.  It is also good to know there are people thinking of us and Hope in the Light Ministry.  It can be isolating here in Haiti with the lack of communication from the U.S.  Keep us in your prayers and we miss you and love all of you.  You are in our thoughts and prayers.  I will try to keep updating this blog, so pay attention for it so that you can keep up with all that is going on with Hope in the Light Ministry.  God Bless you all.