Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baby is born

Hello everyone the baby is born. This was a long and trying time. Mona was due on the 26th of March, so then we went to her doctor to see if the baby would be delivered on that day. But as many things with God it wasn't her time. Now at this time I started to hear all kinds of voices telling me what to do and what we should do. But we don't need to listen to those people we need to listen to God. I prayed one night on the bedroom floor of the master bath. That night God told me that Mona was going to be okay and she was going to be okay and she wouldn't need a C-section. Mona had a dream that night too and God told her that same thing. But since we are human we always think that we can do it somehow. So mona went to every hospital in the area because her family was worried about her and didn't have enough faith that this doctor would deliver her. But that was not the case. After this Mona came back home for 2 nights it was nice for me. But on April 4th the day after my birthday we all went to get Mona another ultrasound. After that ultrasound we bought shots to induce my wife for the next day and other medicine. Then the next day Mona went to the clinic at the doctor's house. The doctor gave her the shot then had her walk around the house. Then when she sat down her water broke. Then she had the baby an hour or an hour and a half. Then about a hour later she called me to come see the baby because I get a little weird around a lot of blood. Then I was so happy to see our new son come into the world it was truly a miracle. I couldn't stop thanking God that he didn't and that when you don't stop losing faith, he will answer you. As it says in Psalm 1:2-3: "But they delight in the law of the Lord meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do." (NLT) This is what I learned if we delight in the bible and meditate on it day and night we will be successful in all that we do and Jesus will hear our prayers and he will go to the Father for us. I thank God for this deliverance and I thank all of you praying for Mona and our family and Hope in the Light Ministry to help us grow as a ministry. We call you our family and keep our supporters in our hearts wherever we go. We thank you and May God Bless all of you and your families.